Highlights: A Year in Review Part 2
The Holler: countering misinformation and raising class conciousness for a whole year. Read to the bottom for the silly stuff.
So this little project has been around a year, which I find a bit crazy. Such events call for a hastily assembled year in review of sorts.
But first a little business…
The Holler is solely supported by y’all. We make pro-working-class political content to counter misinformation, raise class consciousness, and have fun while doing it. And we do that because… well… lots of things are fucked and we should talk about unfucking them until it’s done.
I’m glad to say it’s going well. Here’s what a given week of analytics looks like on our TikTok page.
Our leftist working-class message is getting traction. This takes work and has value. Please keep us around for another year by subscribing right now at $60/yr ($5/mo). We currently have 112 paid sustaining members and want to get to 1,000 by this time next year.
Highlights from a year of The Holler
That time when…. The Holler’s crude graph paper sketch about the wealth gap garnered 11 million views and international press.

Help us generate more content like this over the next year for only $5/mo!
That time when… The Holler seeded a story in major DC press about TikTok throttling political speech.
Content like this can only happen for another year if we grow our paid subscribers from 112 to 1,000 over the next year. Become a sustaining member now to help us out.
That time when… The Holler joined forces with PayDay Report to cover the Special Metals steelworkers strike in West Virginia when legacy media didn’t show up.
The steelworkers won a new contract at the Warren Buffet-owned company. Our video generated 187,000 views and 1,600 shares for their cause.
Help us stay on the case for the working class in Appalachia for $5/mo. You’ll spend more on coffee.
The times when… former United States Labor Secretary Robert Reich has interacted with our TikTok channel

You might as well call him Robert “Right” because he’s right about The Holler amplifying otherwise boring statistic we all should know. I think of The Holler as cheese that you wrap around medicine your pet needs to take but would rather not.
Help us keep going for $5/mo friends, and yes I’m going to keep asking.
That time when… The Holler interviewed a candidate (now Democratic nominee) for U.S. Senate on his swing through Appalachia.

It only takes $5/mo to keep The Holler ready for when candidates come through town… on the rare occasion they decide to visit Appalachia.
The Fun Stuff - Some Highlights
Against my better judgment… here’s the very first episode of The Holler released this time last year.
Feel free to talk about this in the comment section of this post. And also feel free to subscribe for $5/mo right now. I’ve gotten so much better.
I bartend at an Appalachian dive bar that I live about to help finance The Holler as it grows. Here are some dive bar stories from that experience.
The Maxi-pad Story
Observations on the surprising drinking habits of the local bubbas.
When your butt is out and it’s not supposed to be out.
3,722 people subscribe to The Holler for free, and I’m real happy about it. Imagine how happy it would make me if you became an independent media sustainer right now for the low low price of $5/month.
Thank y’all for an amazing year. If enough of you smash subscribe, I’ll continue looking forward to throwing together another year in review next May!